Saturday, October 3, 2009

Half Way Done

I just wanted to take a minute to wish "YourBrother" a Happy Birthday! October 4th (tomorrow) is the big day.
If the average life span of a man is really 70 years, he is half way there. I am excited to see how the Lord can use him in the next 35 years. Hopefully he can find the time to sharpen us by participating in posting on this blog :)
Happy B-Day Brother


YourBrother said...

Okay. Here's a prayer request then: my job is hindering my ministry. Yes, I do have one even if it's not one that you can identify right out. And I suppose it's supposed to lead to something even bigger...
Either that or I'll be rescued from this world soon enough anyway.

How's that for an ambiguous, non-committal, uninformative cop-out?

Pastor Jon said...

That is an ambiguous, non-committal, uninformative cop-out. I'll pray that it leads to something even bigger!

I just wanted to let you know that I miss writing back and forth and would like to hear from you in the form of a post once in a while.

Happy Birthday,

jubilee said...

Happy Birthday Your Brother! Hope it's a good one.