Monday, September 21, 2009

Laced with Blazing tears

I want to take a little time to thank those of you that have been praying for our family. I know that many of you have been faithful in prayer and we appreciate it immensely.

In regard to things at church, there was some very encouraging news this past Wednesday evening. I do not have the freedom to write about it yet, but I know that the Lord is continuing to lead in our lives.

Additionally, this morning our daughters said goodbye to two members of our family. This involved a few tears but I am so thankful for children that, though incredibly sad, are obedient and respectful even on the hardest days. Lacy and Blaze have been wonderful horses! In the above picture, they are the two horses on the outside. Our pony "Cocoa" is in the center. We hope their new owners love them as much as we have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of [this] life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a SOLDIER. 2 Tim 2:4

Are you ridding yourself of emcumbrances that may keep you from being free to serve whenever and wherever the Lord calls? I know this is a hard day for you. Lacy was part of a dream that began for you when you were just a kid....But at the same time, I understand your sacrifice....and the Lord knows your heart....

We love you.