Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Too Elderly

I know that there is a lot that has happened since the last time that I wrote. I would like to spend some time and catch everyone up to date, but I know that I won't have the time to do it this week.

1) Last month was my birthday

2) Last month we had the opportunity at church to affirm a second elder. Pastor Dan Herman and his family are joining our church. Pastor Herman will be a vocational elder which should allow him more time to focus on the needs and ministries of the church. Yesterday the girls and I spent the afternoon (along with other families from the church) helping them move in to the parsonage. We praised the Lord for good weather!

I'm sure that you'll all hear more about him, and his family, in the future but I am looking forward to ministry together with him. Thank you all for praying for our church over the last 4 years.

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