The other day I was sitting with my girls in the family room while I was reading "The New-England Primer" (Boston 1777, Patriotic Textbook Series). Yes, I still have more to learn! Unfortunately it has no chapter on editing. However, as I was reading, I came across a page that gave me pause.
Really, there was only one statement on the page that made me wonder. I will include the page here to see if you can pick it out...
Who was the firft man?............................. Adam
Who was the firft woman?........................ Eve
Who was the firft Murderer?................... Cain
Who was the firft Tranflated?.................. Enoch
Who was the oldeft Man?......................... Methufelah
Who built the Ark?.................................... Noah
Who was the Patienteft Man?.................. Job
Who was the Meekeft Man?.................... Mofes
Who led Ifrael into Canaan? ....................Jofhua
Who was the ftrongest Man?................... Sampfon
Who killed Goliah?.................................... David
Who was the wifeft Man?......................... Solomon
Who was in the Whale's Belly?................. Jonah
Who faves loft Men?.................................. Jefus Chrift
Who is Jefus Chrift? ................................. .The Son of God
Who was the Mother of Chrift?.............. .Mary
Who betrayed his Mafter?........................ Judas
Who denied his Mafter?............................ Peter
Who was the firft Chriftian Martyr?....... Stephen
Who was chief Apoftle of the Gentiles?... Paul
Friday, December 11, 2009
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Okay, I don't know what caught your eye, but for me it was the wifest man.
The wifest man is punny but not what I was thinking of. Now that you mention it though, I do remember chuckling at that when I first read it.
The clue is in the title.
Now that you mention it, I did wonder about the EST at the end of the one you're referring to. But since I knew why they said that, I didn't really focus on it.
BUT... you're right. Could a murderer ever be considered meek? Let alone meekEST.
Now my question is this, what did they see in him that, out of the whole Bible, he was considered the "est"?
I remember arrogance, anger, and frustration. This leads me to the next question. What is the Biblical definition of that word, and what was the 1777 definition of that word?
Numbers 12:3
(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)
Since it's a direct quote from scripture, it doesn't matter what the 1777 definition was, it matters what the 1611 definition was.
The Bible seems to use it meaning quiet, humble, and seeking peace.
So... I still don't see why the Bible says he was the meekest on the earth.
You are right, I need the 1611 definition. Thank you for pointing that out!
And I thought you were going to correct their English--meaning, wouldn't Paul be the apostle TO the Gentiles, since he was a Jew?
Romans 11:13For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:
Once again, The New-England Primer wins by direct quotation. They were so much smarter 230 years ago!
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