For those of you that read this blog regularly, you will know that this has been something that I touch on when we have struggled as a church. In fact, here is the third post that I wrote on Novermber 6th, 2007.
Church polity
It has been a long process since I authored that post. We presented a new form of government to the church. Instead of the deacons having the charge of the church and the pastors being subject to them, we presented a constitution that was "Elder (or Pastor) Led". However, the authority does not reside with the Elders. Here is the paragraph from our constitution on the issue of authority.
The ultimate authority of the local church is Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Under God, the authority in the local church rests with the congregation.
Our governmental democracy has affected our church in a lot of ways. Unfortunately, I think it has negatively impacted the church as it relates to leadership. I know that there are verses included in the constitution that supposedly support congregational rule. Yet, none of these verses show that the congregation should vote on the spiritual matters of the church, instead, the congregation is expected to follow the direction given to them by the Apostles and Elders.
I included the verses on "ruling" in the previous post because I believe that God has placed an authority to "rule" in the church. I believe that it falls on the Elders. In the Elder qualifications it says he must rule his house well or how will he know how to rule the house of God? In Romans 12, ruling is listed as a spiritual gift. It says in I Timothy 5 that the Elders that rule well are worthy of double honor.
Would you agree that this ruling is to take place in the church?
Is the paragraph on authority in our constitution biblical?
Aren't there gifts for this? Like... discernment, ruling, wisdom, prophecy? Why should anyone else need a voice? Wouldn't it best be left in the hands of those people with the gifts particular to leading a group of believers?
See... we're already at the same point, right?
Yes! We are at the same point. Now the question is, how does the church recognize those with the gifts?
Obviously, just because the Lord has given you a particular gift, that does not mean that you are (or should be) using it. Let me put it a different way, who is to lead the church?
Why would God give you a gift that He didn't intend you to use?
Good question Jubilee.
I don't think that God would give you a gift that he didn't intend for you to use. However, there are some things that may be going on in your life that would disqualify you from using your gift. In this instance, the life would need to be right with God in order to continue using the gift in the church. That was the reason that I said some people may have gifts but they shouldn't necessarily be using them in the church.
I think that the word "Pastors" in Ephesians 4 is actually speaking of a gift. However, I think that there are Biblical qualifications that need to be met in order to serve in that capacity.
Clear as mud?
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