I must say that I never intended for any of these posts to be quite so long. In regard to that, I am intentionally going to make this one short and sweet.
I am learning that God wants us to see things His way. This is difficult for us because all of our experiences have been filtered through human perception. How do we let human perception go, and begin to see what God desires for us? I'm sure that a book could be written on this subject. I promised you however, at the beginning of this post, that I wouldn't write one. Let me give you what I believe is the first step.
II Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Unless we are willing to abandon human reason, logic, personal experience, reasonableness, and worldly wisdom, we will not achieve what God has for us. In order to abandon these things, we need to replace them with a steady diet of God's word. Do you believe in the sufficiency of scripture? Can you apply it to every area of your life? Are you willing to let go of your plans and really look to see what God is doing?
Do you honestly believe that God is doing something?
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
I urge you, open your spiritual eyes to see what God is doing, then support it!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Deer me
I recently had a good friend ask me if I ever just talk about the lighter side of things anymore. I think that every time we get together I want to pick his brain, as he is a mature believer, and I am wearing him out. In response to that, I am posting this recap of a recent hunt.
Shotgun season for deer comes around once a year. This is practically a holiday time for me. I try to set aside the week so that I can focus my entire attention on claiming the prize. This year however, due to circumstances in the lives of others, (other people don't always plan their lives around my schedule) I have really had difficulty in finding time to hunt. Special church services, weddings, and family Christmas parties have conspired to keep me out of the woods. Yesterday though, I managed to eke out what was supposed to be a 2 hr hunt. This was to happen between getting our house ready for my wife's Ladies Christmas Party, and taking my girls out to dinner while Christmas shopping.
Emily (my 12 yr old daughter) and I hit the timber at 2:15 pm. I had her all set up and comfortable by 2:25 pm. At 2:28 pm I decided that things were a little too slow. After all, we had been sitting silently (except for the occasional sniffle, and some light conversation) for 3 minutes. I stood up and told Em that I was going for a walk. I would try and scare some deer her way. We had a layer of ice on the snow, and every step I took made it sound like an elephant was walking in my shoes. I tried to make my steps sound like an overgrown squirrel by scampering a few steps at a time and then pausing, sometimes for up to 5 minutes.
After 20 minutes of this I was approaching the top of a hill from which I fully expected to see deer lurking on the other side. As I crested the hill, I was rewarded with the magnificent view of four deer (2 bucks and 2 does) gazing my way. They were apparently placing bets on just how big this squirrel was going to be. I did not have a good shooting lane at the bigger of the two bucks, but the smaller, (a nice 3x5) was standing broadside trying to intimidate me. I put my sights behind his front shoulder and squeezed the trigger.
Unknowingly, I had just shot the toughest buck in the state of Iowa. I watched as he careened to the bottom of the valley and started up the hill on the other side. He ran about 20 yards up the hill, slowed to a stop, then stumbled backwards five steps before falling to the ground. I watched his lifeless body for several minutes before turning my attention to the larger buck. He had moved out of gun range at this point, but was looking back at me with a smirk. I watched him for a few minutes through binoculars before he slowly turned away and ambled out of sight. 3 O'clock. Perfect. I started thinking about how to handle the situation. I needed to gut my deer, stop by and brag about my hunting prowess to my little girl, drag the deer to our truck, and then we could pack up and go to dinner.
I looked back at my dead deer. I looked harder. I put my binoculars to my eyes. Hmm, they must be broken. I could not find him through the lenses. Maybe he slid farther down the hill and was behind a tree. I walked to the spot he had died. Yep, blood all over the snow. His tracks led to his vacant impression in the snow. No deer. That's funny I thought, dead deer can't walk. Neither can they fly. Where did he go? I started the painstaking methodical search for clues by running in circles, wildly looking for evidence to help me uncover this mystery. Finally I found it. Spots of blood along the tracks ascending the hill. I took three steps in that direction before I heard him up ahead. He had lain down near the crest of a ridge in order to watch me abandon the search. When he saw the dogged determination etched in my face however, he decided it was time to move on.
I watched him stumble over the top of the ridge and out of sight. I had come to a crossroads. What to do. Should I go find my daughter and tell her what's going on? I decided I'd probably better not do that. I mean, she knows I'm the best hunter she'll ever meet. If I go back without my deer and ask for her help, I'll destroy what she holds most dear in this world, my reputation. For her own sake I decided to leave her cold and alone, hoping that with all of the commotion, a curious deer would come by to check out the noise, and in doing so, would walk right into her waiting gun barrel. Lest you think I am a bad father, let me assure you, she is an experienced hunter. Her uncle had taken her hunting once before.
I scrambled to the top of the ridge and paused to catch my breath. Sure enough, blood and tracks cut across the ridge and down the hill. I cautiously followed at a dead run. When I finally got winded after 30 brutal yards, I stopped and looked around. No deer. I decided to take a more moderate approach. I started walking. Two hundred yards (and two ridges) later we again encountered one another. I saw him lurch to his feet in an effort to cross another ridge. I brought my 50 caliber Thompson Center muzzle loader to my shoulder and put another round into him. He stumbled, regained his footing, and cleared the daunting hill. Well, I thought, at least he's heading back to where my Emily is waiting. I crossed the hill and found him in a small patch of timber. He was laying down with his head in the air and his eyes closed. I reloaded the gun and sat down to wait as he died. We were 10 feet apart.
Five minutes later found me still waiting. It was at this point that something totally unexpected happened. He opened his eyes, shook his head, looked right at me, and sprung to life. He heaved himself to his feet and hurled himself toward me. Being a grown man, and feeling perfectly at home in the wild, I panicked and pulled the trigger. He turned broadside and headed down the hill. I coolly walked after him. He crossed a clearing and stumbled into the woods ahead of me. As I neared the center of the clearing it occurred to me that I had carefully orchestrated the events of the afternoon to help my daughter shoot her first deer. Sure, I may have walked 2 miles already, but I was back to within sight of Emily; and remember, I had told her that I was going to scare some deer her way. I raised my hand and called to her.
As Emily covered the last few feet (of her uphill 200 yard walk through 8" of snow) I informed her that I had strategically planned a way for her to get a big buck. I took some time to explain that I had painstakingly corralled him in her direction. She responded by asking me what all the shooting was about.
We walked into the woods together with me in the lead. I was trying to protect her in case the monster buck decided to have another go at grinding me into the dust. He lay 20 feet into the woods with his back to us but very much alive. "Okay, I told her, this is your chance to let me try again. Give me your gun." She is a very obedient girl.
When I turned back to the buck, he jumped up and ran another 50 yards before laying down in some thick brush. We approached together as I prepared to shoot. When we were within 20 yards I carefully placed the cross hairs on his shoulder and pulled the trigger. This was one tough deer! He didn't even flinch. I decided I must have hit an invisible branch. I've encountered those a lot while bow hunting.
Emily didn't have any way to reload her 54 caliber Knight, so I pulled out my last 50 caliber sabot. I reloaded the Thompson Center and walked up the hill. When I was within ten yards I raised that gun for the last time and squeezed the trigger. Again, no reaction from the buck. (I am sure the dead log on the ground in front of deer will not run off again though.)
There we stood, my daughter and I, as I carefully explained to her that my sights must have gotten bumped as I beat my way through the brush pursuing this bruiser. She nodded in agreement. There is no other way her papa could miss such a simple shot.
We devised a plan in which she would wait by the deer as I trudged a half mile back to the truck to get my "just in case" shotgun. Thirty minutes later I was back, minus two muzzle loaders, but weilding a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with six slugs. We talked for a few minutes and decided that it would be best if I could hit the deer before dark. (It was dusk at this point). When I looked back at our quarry he was gone.
To make a long story shorter, we followed him for another half mile and six more shots before we had to walk back to the truck for more ammunition. My sixth shot went through his front shoulder but he hadn't seem to care. (In my defence, after the fifth shot with the Winchester 12 gauge we learned that the rifled slugs were hitting 4 feet right and 3 feet high at just 15 yards)
At seven pm we were again with the deer. I was two hours late at this point from picking up my other two daughters from their Nana's house so that we could embark on our shopping spree. When Emily and I approached the deer with our recently reloaded, but highly inaccurate shotgun, he once again sprung to life. (I should mention at this point that I had reservations about shooting him again because I didn't want to destroy the meat, and it was well past legal shooting light.) He pulled himself almost erect as he tried to sprint for cover. He had already been shot through the left lung, the left rear leg, and the front right shoulder. His body though contorted almost immediately and he fell to the ground with his head facing downhill. Upon impact he slid toward me on the icy snow. I brought my gun to my shoulder as his antlers dug into the earth. This acted as an emergency brake for his head, yet his body continued to plummet downhill. In a split second his body slammed the top of his head into the snow before it catapulted sideways and snapped his neck.
Emily looked over at me as if to question what we had just witnessed. As a dad who has vowed to be completely honest with my girls, I answered her inquiring look.
"Honey, the Lord apparently doesn't trust my shooting anymore so he decided to finish this himself!"
Shotgun season for deer comes around once a year. This is practically a holiday time for me. I try to set aside the week so that I can focus my entire attention on claiming the prize. This year however, due to circumstances in the lives of others, (other people don't always plan their lives around my schedule) I have really had difficulty in finding time to hunt. Special church services, weddings, and family Christmas parties have conspired to keep me out of the woods. Yesterday though, I managed to eke out what was supposed to be a 2 hr hunt. This was to happen between getting our house ready for my wife's Ladies Christmas Party, and taking my girls out to dinner while Christmas shopping.
Emily (my 12 yr old daughter) and I hit the timber at 2:15 pm. I had her all set up and comfortable by 2:25 pm. At 2:28 pm I decided that things were a little too slow. After all, we had been sitting silently (except for the occasional sniffle, and some light conversation) for 3 minutes. I stood up and told Em that I was going for a walk. I would try and scare some deer her way. We had a layer of ice on the snow, and every step I took made it sound like an elephant was walking in my shoes. I tried to make my steps sound like an overgrown squirrel by scampering a few steps at a time and then pausing, sometimes for up to 5 minutes.
After 20 minutes of this I was approaching the top of a hill from which I fully expected to see deer lurking on the other side. As I crested the hill, I was rewarded with the magnificent view of four deer (2 bucks and 2 does) gazing my way. They were apparently placing bets on just how big this squirrel was going to be. I did not have a good shooting lane at the bigger of the two bucks, but the smaller, (a nice 3x5) was standing broadside trying to intimidate me. I put my sights behind his front shoulder and squeezed the trigger.
Unknowingly, I had just shot the toughest buck in the state of Iowa. I watched as he careened to the bottom of the valley and started up the hill on the other side. He ran about 20 yards up the hill, slowed to a stop, then stumbled backwards five steps before falling to the ground. I watched his lifeless body for several minutes before turning my attention to the larger buck. He had moved out of gun range at this point, but was looking back at me with a smirk. I watched him for a few minutes through binoculars before he slowly turned away and ambled out of sight. 3 O'clock. Perfect. I started thinking about how to handle the situation. I needed to gut my deer, stop by and brag about my hunting prowess to my little girl, drag the deer to our truck, and then we could pack up and go to dinner.
I looked back at my dead deer. I looked harder. I put my binoculars to my eyes. Hmm, they must be broken. I could not find him through the lenses. Maybe he slid farther down the hill and was behind a tree. I walked to the spot he had died. Yep, blood all over the snow. His tracks led to his vacant impression in the snow. No deer. That's funny I thought, dead deer can't walk. Neither can they fly. Where did he go? I started the painstaking methodical search for clues by running in circles, wildly looking for evidence to help me uncover this mystery. Finally I found it. Spots of blood along the tracks ascending the hill. I took three steps in that direction before I heard him up ahead. He had lain down near the crest of a ridge in order to watch me abandon the search. When he saw the dogged determination etched in my face however, he decided it was time to move on.
I watched him stumble over the top of the ridge and out of sight. I had come to a crossroads. What to do. Should I go find my daughter and tell her what's going on? I decided I'd probably better not do that. I mean, she knows I'm the best hunter she'll ever meet. If I go back without my deer and ask for her help, I'll destroy what she holds most dear in this world, my reputation. For her own sake I decided to leave her cold and alone, hoping that with all of the commotion, a curious deer would come by to check out the noise, and in doing so, would walk right into her waiting gun barrel. Lest you think I am a bad father, let me assure you, she is an experienced hunter. Her uncle had taken her hunting once before.
I scrambled to the top of the ridge and paused to catch my breath. Sure enough, blood and tracks cut across the ridge and down the hill. I cautiously followed at a dead run. When I finally got winded after 30 brutal yards, I stopped and looked around. No deer. I decided to take a more moderate approach. I started walking. Two hundred yards (and two ridges) later we again encountered one another. I saw him lurch to his feet in an effort to cross another ridge. I brought my 50 caliber Thompson Center muzzle loader to my shoulder and put another round into him. He stumbled, regained his footing, and cleared the daunting hill. Well, I thought, at least he's heading back to where my Emily is waiting. I crossed the hill and found him in a small patch of timber. He was laying down with his head in the air and his eyes closed. I reloaded the gun and sat down to wait as he died. We were 10 feet apart.
Five minutes later found me still waiting. It was at this point that something totally unexpected happened. He opened his eyes, shook his head, looked right at me, and sprung to life. He heaved himself to his feet and hurled himself toward me. Being a grown man, and feeling perfectly at home in the wild, I panicked and pulled the trigger. He turned broadside and headed down the hill. I coolly walked after him. He crossed a clearing and stumbled into the woods ahead of me. As I neared the center of the clearing it occurred to me that I had carefully orchestrated the events of the afternoon to help my daughter shoot her first deer. Sure, I may have walked 2 miles already, but I was back to within sight of Emily; and remember, I had told her that I was going to scare some deer her way. I raised my hand and called to her.
As Emily covered the last few feet (of her uphill 200 yard walk through 8" of snow) I informed her that I had strategically planned a way for her to get a big buck. I took some time to explain that I had painstakingly corralled him in her direction. She responded by asking me what all the shooting was about.
We walked into the woods together with me in the lead. I was trying to protect her in case the monster buck decided to have another go at grinding me into the dust. He lay 20 feet into the woods with his back to us but very much alive. "Okay, I told her, this is your chance to let me try again. Give me your gun." She is a very obedient girl.
When I turned back to the buck, he jumped up and ran another 50 yards before laying down in some thick brush. We approached together as I prepared to shoot. When we were within 20 yards I carefully placed the cross hairs on his shoulder and pulled the trigger. This was one tough deer! He didn't even flinch. I decided I must have hit an invisible branch. I've encountered those a lot while bow hunting.
Emily didn't have any way to reload her 54 caliber Knight, so I pulled out my last 50 caliber sabot. I reloaded the Thompson Center and walked up the hill. When I was within ten yards I raised that gun for the last time and squeezed the trigger. Again, no reaction from the buck. (I am sure the dead log on the ground in front of deer will not run off again though.)
There we stood, my daughter and I, as I carefully explained to her that my sights must have gotten bumped as I beat my way through the brush pursuing this bruiser. She nodded in agreement. There is no other way her papa could miss such a simple shot.
We devised a plan in which she would wait by the deer as I trudged a half mile back to the truck to get my "just in case" shotgun. Thirty minutes later I was back, minus two muzzle loaders, but weilding a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with six slugs. We talked for a few minutes and decided that it would be best if I could hit the deer before dark. (It was dusk at this point). When I looked back at our quarry he was gone.
To make a long story shorter, we followed him for another half mile and six more shots before we had to walk back to the truck for more ammunition. My sixth shot went through his front shoulder but he hadn't seem to care. (In my defence, after the fifth shot with the Winchester 12 gauge we learned that the rifled slugs were hitting 4 feet right and 3 feet high at just 15 yards)
At seven pm we were again with the deer. I was two hours late at this point from picking up my other two daughters from their Nana's house so that we could embark on our shopping spree. When Emily and I approached the deer with our recently reloaded, but highly inaccurate shotgun, he once again sprung to life. (I should mention at this point that I had reservations about shooting him again because I didn't want to destroy the meat, and it was well past legal shooting light.) He pulled himself almost erect as he tried to sprint for cover. He had already been shot through the left lung, the left rear leg, and the front right shoulder. His body though contorted almost immediately and he fell to the ground with his head facing downhill. Upon impact he slid toward me on the icy snow. I brought my gun to my shoulder as his antlers dug into the earth. This acted as an emergency brake for his head, yet his body continued to plummet downhill. In a split second his body slammed the top of his head into the snow before it catapulted sideways and snapped his neck.
Emily looked over at me as if to question what we had just witnessed. As a dad who has vowed to be completely honest with my girls, I answered her inquiring look.
"Honey, the Lord apparently doesn't trust my shooting anymore so he decided to finish this himself!"
Friday, December 14, 2007
Jesus as human
This post has been prompted by some recent messages that I have heard, as well as a few sermons that I have read in GARBC circles. As you read this post, please do so with an open mind regardless of what preconceived notions or opinions you may have. As always, comments and insight are welcome!
There have been a surge of messages, possibly because of the season, about the incarnation of Christ. During these messages Pastors have stated repeatedly that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. Any grade school child can tell you that if something is already 100% of any quality there is no room left for any other quality, or the percentage must change. This is mathematical and scientific fact. Before you berate me for this, let us consider what the Bible asserts on this matter. I know as well as you that with God all things are possible, but is this a 100% thing a claim that the Bible itself makes, or is it the invention of man?
Let me also say that I recognize how popular this assertion has become. Men that I greatly respect (some of whom I will leave unnamed) have been making this assertion for years. Some of these men are quite thorough in supplying verses to their claim. We will take a few minutes to examine these.
Jesus’ Human Body
It is clear enough from the New Testament that Jesus has a human body. John 1:14: “The Word became flesh.” Jesus’ humanity is one of the first tests of orthodoxy (1 John 4:2; 2 John 7). Jesus was born (Luke 2:7). He grew (Luke 2:40, 52). He grew tired (John 4:6) and got thirsty (John 19:28). He got hungry (Matthew 4:2) and was physically weak (Matthew 4:11; Luke 23:26). He died (Luke 23:46). And he had a real human body after his resurrection (Luke 24:39; John 20:20, 27).
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus clearly displays human emotions. When Jesus heard the centurion’s words of faith, “he marveled” (Matthew 8:10). He says in Matthew 26:38 that his “soul is very sorrowful, even to death.” In John 11:33-35, Jesus is “deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled” and even weeps. John 12:27 says, “Now is my soul troubled,” and in John 13:21, he is “troubled in his spirit.” The author to the Hebrews writes that “Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears” (Hebrews 5:7) John Calvin memorably summed it up: “Christ has put on our feelings along with our flesh.”
Jesus also has a human mind. Two key texts make this undeniable:
Luke 2:52: “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”
Mark 13:32: “Concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
Those are the statements of John Piper on his website. http://www.desiringgod.org/ Those were an excerpt from his message on Jesus being fully human. I am not disagreeing with any of John's claims here, however, his conclusion is suspect. You cannot make the jump from Jesus having a human body, emotions (which John never proves are human - God has emotions), and a human brain to the idea that Jesus was fully human. (or 100% human as others claim). The reason for this is that the Bible teaches us that man is more than just flesh and blood.
In I Thess. 5:23 Paul tells us what being human comprises. "23And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
From this verse we can clearly see that being human requires three human parts. The spirit returns to God upon death. Ecc. 12:7 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." This also tells us that the body goes to the grave. What about our soul? Well we all know the answer to that, some go to heaven, some to hell. You can refer to Luke 16:19-31 to see where those were when Christ was on earth.
What else does the Bible say about being human? Genesis 4:1 "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD." The Bible teaches that it takes a man and a woman to make a human child. Who was the father of Jesus? Luke 1:35 teaches that it was the Holy Ghost. And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. We could spend some time talking about the sin nature here as I believe it is passed down through the fathers. Jeremiah 32:18 Thou showest lovingkindness unto thousands, and recompensest the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them: the Great, the Mighty God, the LORD of hosts, is his name, Exodus 20:5 and 34:7 as well as Num. 14:18 and Deut. 5:9 all address this same thing.
We know that Christ had no sin nature, no earthly father, and the Bible never ascribes Him with a human soul. How, after all this, can we teach that He was 100% human? I believe that when we teach this doctrine, we are bordering on heresy!
Philippians 2:6-11 " 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
The Bible says that He took on the "likeness of men." He was "in fashion as a man,"
This is critical. Christ had to take on human form to be the sacrifice. God doesn't bleed. Hebrews 9:22 "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission." The Bible also says in Hebrews 10:4-5 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. 5Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:
Jesus having a human body in no way teaches that he was "100%" or "fully" human. If this has been your teaching I would ask that you reconsider in the light of clear scriptural evidence to the contrary. With loving respect, Jon
There have been a surge of messages, possibly because of the season, about the incarnation of Christ. During these messages Pastors have stated repeatedly that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. Any grade school child can tell you that if something is already 100% of any quality there is no room left for any other quality, or the percentage must change. This is mathematical and scientific fact. Before you berate me for this, let us consider what the Bible asserts on this matter. I know as well as you that with God all things are possible, but is this a 100% thing a claim that the Bible itself makes, or is it the invention of man?
Let me also say that I recognize how popular this assertion has become. Men that I greatly respect (some of whom I will leave unnamed) have been making this assertion for years. Some of these men are quite thorough in supplying verses to their claim. We will take a few minutes to examine these.
Jesus’ Human Body
It is clear enough from the New Testament that Jesus has a human body. John 1:14: “The Word became flesh.” Jesus’ humanity is one of the first tests of orthodoxy (1 John 4:2; 2 John 7). Jesus was born (Luke 2:7). He grew (Luke 2:40, 52). He grew tired (John 4:6) and got thirsty (John 19:28). He got hungry (Matthew 4:2) and was physically weak (Matthew 4:11; Luke 23:26). He died (Luke 23:46). And he had a real human body after his resurrection (Luke 24:39; John 20:20, 27).
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus clearly displays human emotions. When Jesus heard the centurion’s words of faith, “he marveled” (Matthew 8:10). He says in Matthew 26:38 that his “soul is very sorrowful, even to death.” In John 11:33-35, Jesus is “deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled” and even weeps. John 12:27 says, “Now is my soul troubled,” and in John 13:21, he is “troubled in his spirit.” The author to the Hebrews writes that “Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears” (Hebrews 5:7) John Calvin memorably summed it up: “Christ has put on our feelings along with our flesh.”
Jesus also has a human mind. Two key texts make this undeniable:
Luke 2:52: “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”
Mark 13:32: “Concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
Those are the statements of John Piper on his website. http://www.desiringgod.org/ Those were an excerpt from his message on Jesus being fully human. I am not disagreeing with any of John's claims here, however, his conclusion is suspect. You cannot make the jump from Jesus having a human body, emotions (which John never proves are human - God has emotions), and a human brain to the idea that Jesus was fully human. (or 100% human as others claim). The reason for this is that the Bible teaches us that man is more than just flesh and blood.
In I Thess. 5:23 Paul tells us what being human comprises. "23And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
From this verse we can clearly see that being human requires three human parts. The spirit returns to God upon death. Ecc. 12:7 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." This also tells us that the body goes to the grave. What about our soul? Well we all know the answer to that, some go to heaven, some to hell. You can refer to Luke 16:19-31 to see where those were when Christ was on earth.
What else does the Bible say about being human? Genesis 4:1 "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD." The Bible teaches that it takes a man and a woman to make a human child. Who was the father of Jesus? Luke 1:35 teaches that it was the Holy Ghost. And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. We could spend some time talking about the sin nature here as I believe it is passed down through the fathers. Jeremiah 32:18 Thou showest lovingkindness unto thousands, and recompensest the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them: the Great, the Mighty God, the LORD of hosts, is his name, Exodus 20:5 and 34:7 as well as Num. 14:18 and Deut. 5:9 all address this same thing.
We know that Christ had no sin nature, no earthly father, and the Bible never ascribes Him with a human soul. How, after all this, can we teach that He was 100% human? I believe that when we teach this doctrine, we are bordering on heresy!
Philippians 2:6-11 " 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
The Bible says that He took on the "likeness of men." He was "in fashion as a man,"
This is critical. Christ had to take on human form to be the sacrifice. God doesn't bleed. Hebrews 9:22 "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission." The Bible also says in Hebrews 10:4-5 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. 5Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:
Jesus having a human body in no way teaches that he was "100%" or "fully" human. If this has been your teaching I would ask that you reconsider in the light of clear scriptural evidence to the contrary. With loving respect, Jon
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